Humam Quader

Senior Man

Hi, there! I'm Humam, a recent Economics graduate and now your Senior Man. In my role I am responsible for overseeing the day to day running of the Junior Common Room (JCR), representing you as students at both a College and University level. I also manage the JCR Executive Committee, 9 student volunteers who take on roles to organise events, provide welfare support, maintain our facilities, and much more, all for the benefit of Hatfield students.

I currently live in college and you'll be able to find me either in my office in Kitchen Stairs or in the bar during my office hours. Office hours are a good time to ask me questions or bring me feedback about your JCR experience

Office Hours

Office hours offer an opportunity to come and speak to me. Whether you have a question about what “Prescomm” is or have a concern you want me to raise with College or the University, come see me!

My office hours will take place on Mondays 9am-12pm in the cafe.

Things I’m Working On

Catering changes
JCR Policy
Leadership of the Exec.

Contact Me

Contact Me

Every Hatfielder is here to make their mark - let the exec help! If you can think of any improvements, queries, or suggestions, please send through below! (CIS email only)