Mila Roth


Hey there :) I’m Mila, (technically) a second year studying Politics and International Relations!
As you may have already seen, I’m the Secretary for our Hatfield JCR, which concerns running most of our social media, all of the college stash and our fabulous formals!
I love to hear any fresh ideas regarding these - don’t be afraid to reach out using the form below or if you find me in Jimmy’s.
You may also find me causing chaos running socials for HCNC, helping out with Hatfield Arts and Hatfield Feminists or terrorising Hatfield Bar!
Make sure to let me know of any events your Hatfield society/sport is running too so we can help you get as much publicity as possible!

My Role


I oversee the smooth running of Hatfield formal dinners. These are a fantastic opportunity to integrate year groups, and embrace the college spirit! The ticket price includes a three course meal and an optional wine purchase on top, followed by a night of celebration in the bar. Formals are inclusive for everyone and we are always looking for more ways we can improve our dinners to help cater for ALL of Hatfield, if you have any ideas please get in touch here.

Social Media

Following this year, we have decided to move most of our content to the JCR website. All events running across college, all positions opening, contact points and JCR documents are accessible through this website. We have worked very hard to compile all information here to help with an easy access point for all Hatfielders. Our Instagram AND Facebook will still be used for reminders so make sure to keep up to date to see anything new and upcoming!


We are partnered with RedBird Apparel for our college stash. The opening of college stash will be within the second week of term, posted on our Instagram, Facebook and on the JCR website. Stash will arrive in the penultimate week of term with collections at the end of the week unless otherwise stated. There is only one stash drop per term so please keep your eyes peeled in the second week of every term to make your purchases!

Contact Me

Contact Me

Every Hatfielder is here to make their mark - let the exec help! If you can think of any improvements, queries, or suggestions, please send through below! (CIS email only).