Motion regarding the structure of the JCR Executive Committee (part 2/2)

Proposed by: Henry Flack (JCR Treasurer)

Seconded by: Humam Quader (Senior Man), Joseph Most (Vice-President), Lou

Cook-Allen (Welfare Officer), India Trainor (Sports and Societies Officer), Reuben

Greenwood (Events Officer), Mila Roth (Secretary)

This JCR notes:

The JCR has a large and prescriptive set of standing orders governing the JCRs

operations, and this includes the structure of the JCR Executive Committee.

Article 4 dictates the structure and inner workings of the JCR Executive Committee;

whilst it has changed in recent times, no significant changes have been made to reflect

the JCR’s recent independence or other factors, such as recent changes to the election

process for the SU assembly.

This JCR believes:

The standing orders within Article 4 should allow an executive officer to have a clear

understanding of their role, with responsibilities relevant given the recent changes made,

enabling the JCR to more easily hold them to account.

The current structure and distribution of workload across the exec is outdated, uneven

and fundamentally inefficient.

Removing the Facilities Officer role

Since independence, the work and responsibilities required of the JCR Facilities Officer

have been reduced significantly, leaving the core role of the facilities officer to manage

the JCR technical stores and team alongside the JCR Events officer. This now small

workload means the role of facilities officer is no longer appropriate as an executive

officer, as it does not reflect the significant amount of work and responsibility each other

member of the executive committee has. Not only will removing this position have no

detrimental impact on the JCR, it will in fact reduce the JCR expenditure thanks to a

decrease in the necessary exec remuneration.

Recent changes to SU Assembly

Not only has this article required changes to reflect our recent independence, changes to

the process for appointment to the SU Assembly have had a significant effect on the

communities officer role. These changes will have the Communities Officer be the

Executive Officer who runs as our representative at Assembly. Regardless of the

outcome of that election, these changes will mean the Communities officer continues to

be the link between the SU and the JCR ensuring all members are aware of

opportunities, ongoing discussions and any results of elections.

Making an executive officer’s role and responsibilities clear

Previous amendments to the old Article 4 have left the description of an Executive

Officer’s role confusing and antiquated. This leads to inefficiencies and challenges within

the executive committee. By updating each role’s description, this will allow for officers to

have a better understanding of what they are responsible for. It is also hoped that this

will mean that those interested in roles within the Executive Committee will be able to

have a better understanding of the role.

This JCR repeals:

Article 4 (Executive Committee) of the standing orders and replaces it with the article

found in the appendix to be titled ‘Executive Committee’.

The details and explanations behind some of the core changes are as follows:


Senior Man

1. The Senior Man will provide strategic direction for the JCR, coordinate the

work of the Executive Committee, and be responsible for the efficient

management and satisfactory conduct of the JCR's business.

2. In the event of a tied vote amongst the Executive Committee, the Senior Man

will have the casting vote.

3. The Senior Man must hold drop-in hours at least once every week during term

time for Members to discuss non-welfare concerns.

4. The Senior Man will work with the Vice President and Secretary to create and

implement a JCR social media strategy.

5. The Senior Man will represent the views of the JCR to College Officers and

will engage with the relevant university staff on issues that affect individual

Members of the JCR as a whole.

6. The Senior Man will liaise with the Hatfield Trust, the Hatfield Association and

alumni of the College for the benefit of the JCR.

7. The Senior Man will be a member of the Board of Trustees. With the Board,

they will ensure the stipulations of any applicable charities laws and

regulations are adhered to.

8. The Senior Man must attend the following Committees of the JCR: JCR

Treasury Committee, Indycomm Local, Clubs and Societies Meeting and

Governance Committee.

9. The Senior Man must attend the JCR Presidents Committee, Indycomm

Global and the Students' Union Assembly where it is possible for them to do


10.The position of Senior Man is paid and sabbatical. The responsibilities of the

Senior Man according to the JCR Standing Orders are in addition to those laid

out in any applicable employment contract, which will take precedence over

these Standing Orders in the case of any conflict.


1. The Vice-President will deputise and assist the Senior Man and assume the

powers and responsibilities of the Senior Man in the Senior Man's absence.

2. The Vice-President must attend College disciplinaries involving any Member

to represent the interests of the JCR.

3. The Vice-President will monitor the progress of the Executive Committee to

ensure that action points are followed up from Executive Committee Meetings

and that Executive Officers are achieving individual goals.

4. The Vice-President will ensure the good behaviour of Members during formal


5. The Vice-President will work with the JCR Chair to oversee the appointment

and interviews of all Non-Executive Officers.

6. The Vice-President will work with the Senior Man and JCR Secretary to create

and implement JCR social media strategy.

7. The Vice-President will be responsible for the loaning of gowns to Members

for formal dinners.

8. The Vice-President will be responsible for ensuring the good keeping of the

JCR Exec room and common room, and for making necessary improvements

to the space.

9. The Vice-President will coordinate the JCR’s academic outreach scheme.

10.The Vice-President must attend the Governance Committee.


1. The JCR Treasurer will be responsible for the financial administration and

well-being of the JCR. They will also be a member of the Board of Trustees.

2. The JCR Treasurer will be responsible for the regulation and financial

oversight of all Events’ clubs’ and societies’ accounts in accordance with

applicable legislation, regulations and Durham University policies.

3. The JCR Treasurer will meet with and establish a budget for each executive

officer, during the Easter term.

4. The JCR Treasurer will be an additional signatory for the finances of the JCR.

5. The JCR Treasurer will work with the Senior Man to set the JCR Levy.

6. The JCR Treasurer, alongside the Senior Man, must have continuous

oversight of all JCR budgets.

7. The JCR Treasurer must hold drop-in hours every week.

8. The JCR Treasurer must produce budgets and accounts for presentation to

the College Finance Committee in accordance with applicable legislation,

regulations and Durham University policies.

9. The JCR Treasurer must attend the following Committees of the JCR: JCR

Treasury Committee, Clubs and Societies Meetings, Independence

Committee and Trust Meetings.

10.The JCR Treasurer must attend all meetings of the Treasurers' Committee

and any training/information seminars regarding accounting.

Welfare Officer

1. The Welfare Officer will coordinate the running of the Welfare Team and

develop and promote the Welfare of the JCR.

2. The Welfare Officer must ensure members are aware of appropriate sources

of support, including but not limited to, College and University student support

and counselling services, and Local NHS Services.

3. The Welfare Officer must, alongside an appropriately trained team, hold a

number of dedicated drop-in hours in a discreet location in college.

4. The Welfare Officer must ensure anyone who carries out welfare services on

behalf of the JCR has the appropriate training.

5. The Welfare Officer will use campaigns to promote welfare information to


6. The Welfare Officer must ensure that Members have access to sexual health

and safety supplies.

7. The Welfare Officer will work with the Communities Teams to assist on

specific welfare concerns and assist with related campaigns.

8. The Welfare Officer will consult the JCR Exec on matters which concern the

Hatfield Confidentiality Agreement and make sure Members are aware of said


9. The Welfare Officer will oversee the organisation of the College Marriages

Ceremony in Easter Term.

10.The Welfare Officer will liaise with College Officers and other welfare networks

in College and the University (including Tutors and Mentors, the Chaplain, the

MCR Welfare Officer, and Durham Students' Union Community Officer) on

matters relating to student welfare.

Compliance and Governance Officer

1. The Compliance and Governance Officer acts as the secretary to the board of

trustees and IndyComm Local.

2. In relation to the Board of Trustees, their main responsibilities include:

a. Organising meeting agendas, minutes and the method for the meeting

(e.g. distributing a Zoom link),

b. Working with the Senior Man to organise the trustee weekend,

c. Where deemed necessary, they will organise the advertisement of

openings on the Board of Trustees as well as organising the interviews

and liaising with candidates.

3. The Compliance and Governance Officer will assist the Senior Man and other

relevant Executive Officers in creating JCR policies. Following their creation,

they are then to ensure the policies are reviewed as frequently as set out

within each policy. They must ensure they are published to the JCR by an

appropriate method (e.g. the JCR Website).

4. The Compliance and Governance Officer will assist the JCR Treasurer to

ensure compliance with Charity Commission requirements for financial


5. The Compliance and Governance Officer will assist the Senior Man with

necessary preparations for discussions with the College or University

regarding the JCR's independence, Standard Licence Agreement or

Memorandum of Understanding.

6. The Compliance and Governance Officer will assist the Senior Man with

communication with the Charity Commission, and ensure the Senior Man’s

salary is approved by the Commission.

7. The Compliance and Governance Officer will assist the Senior Man in

ensuring the JCR is fulfilling its legal responsibilities as a charity and with

working through the charity’s records annually to ensure GDPR compliance.

8. In collaboration with members of the executive committee, the Compliance

and Governance Officer will assist with the procurement and ongoing

management of services required by the JCR.

9. The Compliance and Governance Officer will be a member of the Board of


10.The Compliance and Governance Officer Must attend the following JCR

Committees: JCR Governance Committee and IndyComm Local.

Communities Officer

1. The Communities Officer is responsible for coordinating and overseeing JCR

community groups.

2. The Communities Officer must ensure there is adequate support available to

members of communities and the wider JCR.

3. The Communities Officer will act as a point of contact for the JCR, College

and University on matters regarding accessibility.

4. The Communities Officer must run to be Hatfield’s representative at the SU

assembly. They must represent the opinions, actions, and decisions of the

JCR and MCR to the Students' Union. They must attend the SU Assembly.

5. The Communities Officer must convey the Students' Union's opinions, actions,

and decisions to the JCR and MCR.

6. The Communities Officer must produce a written account of the issues raised

and discussed at each Students' Union Assembly meeting and the

implications for Hatfield students.

7. The Communities Officer must publicise all meetings of Students' Union

Assembly and Students' Union elections and any subsequent results within

the College.

8. The Communities Officer will maintain JCR social media relating to the

Students' Union alongside the JCR Secretary.

9. The Communities Officer will appoint and coordinate the work of the Bailey

Wardrobe Project Manager, International Representatives, LGBTQ+

Representatives, Mature Students Representatives, People of Colour

Representatives and Feminist Community Representatives.

10.The Communities Officer must attend the following Committees of the JCR:

Governance Committee.

Sports and Societies Officer

1. The Sports and Societies Officer will liaise between JCR-ratified clubs and

societies and the Executive Committee.

2. The Sports and Societies Officer must ensure that completed applications for

JCR ratification by a prospective club or society are reviewed by the executive


3. The Sports and Societies Officer must organise Hatfield-Castle Day.

4. The Sports and Societies Officer will be the point of contact between central

DUCK and those leading charity work within college.

5. The Sports and Societies Officer will facilitate the Chair of Charity

Committee's communications with DUSVO and those leading student

volunteering within the JCR.

6. The Sports and Societies Officer must organise the clubs and societies


7. The Sports and Societies Officer is responsible for organising Floreat dinner.

8. The Sports and Societies Officer will represent the JCR's views to Team

Durham and publicise activities to Members.

9. The Sports and Societies Officer must attend the following JCR Committees:

JCR Treasury Committee and Clubs and Societies Committee.

10.The Sports and Societies Officer must attend all relevant meetings as

organised by Team Durham.

Events Officer

1. The Events Officer will organise social events in College, particularly Hatfield

Day, Michaelmas Ball and one-off events in the bar.

2. The Events Officer will assist any Ordinary Member, JCR-ratified Sports Club

or Society with organising social events if requested.

3. The Events Officer must organise event management training sessions

alongside the JCR Treasurer for the Events Teams and the Senior Freshers'


4. The Events Officer will work with the Communities Teams and the MCR

Events Coordinator to ensure college events are accessible to all the college


5. The Events Officer must respect the College's right to oversee all decisions

relating to events (where those events are to be held on college grounds)

made by the JCR, particularly those relating to safety.

6. The Events Officer will maintain JCR social media relating to JCR Events

alongside the JCR Secretary.

7. The Events Officer will be in charge of technical equipment and appointing

Technical Representatives. They will work alongside the JCR Treasurer to

manage tech hires.

8. The Events Officer will plan Executive Committee Formal Receptions.

9. The Events Officer will organise any decorations and entertainment at themed

formals alongside the Secretary.

10.The Events Officer must attend the DST's Technical Training Course.

JCR Secretary

1. The JCR Secretary must organise and coordinate sign-up for Formal Dinners.

2. The JCR Secretary must coordinate and distribute the JCR stash orders (at

least termly) and collection.

3. The JCR Secretary must keep and publish the minutes of all Ordinary General

Meetings, Extraordinary General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting.

4. The JCR Secretary will communicate information to Members on behalf of the

Executive Committee

5. The JCR Secretary will keep the JCR's official online and social media

platforms up to date with relevant information.

6. The JCR Secretary will maintain all information boards and screens in


7. The JCR Secretary will work with the Compliance and Governance Officer

and any other relevant Executive Officers to ensure committees are minuted.

8. The JCR Secretary must coordinate and manage all handover documents for

JCR positions.

9. The JCR Secretary will assist the Chair with organising any surveys and

consultation that the JCR conducts with the Members.

10.The JCR Secretary must attend the following Committees of the JCR:

Governance Committee.

JCR Chair

1. The JCR Chair will ensure compliance of all JCR activities with these

Standing Orders.

2. The JCR Chair will be the Chair of the Executive Committee in a non-voting

capacity and must compile agendas for each meeting.

3. The JCR Chair will be the Chair of all Meetings of the JCR in a non-voting

capacity, and must compile and publish agendas for each meeting as well as

sharing them with the JCR Secretary to be published to the JCR.

4. The JCR Chair will receive all manifestos for Executive and Non-Executive

Officer positions.

5. The JCR Chair will administer and publish the results of all JCR elections.

6. The JCR Chair will organise any surveys and consultations that the JCR

conducts with the Members.

7. The JCR Chair will liaise between the Members and the Executive Committee

for any Members seeking advice or information.

8. The JCR Chair must edit the Freshers' Handbook.

9. The JCR Chair must review the level of quorum every 3 years, with

consideration to the level of engagement with the JCR and the importance of

protecting against unrepresentative action.

10.The JCR Chair must attend the following Committees of the JCR: Governance



1. The Executive Officers will be elected by secret ballot before the end of the

seventh week of Epiphany Term in each year, and will hold office from 18:46

on the last day of that term until 18:46 on the last day of Epiphany Term, the

following academic year.

2. The Executive Officer Elections will be conducted in accordance with the

Students' Union Election Regulations and each ballot must contain the option

of 'Re-Open Nominations'.

3. The Chair of the Board of Trustees or a person nominated by the Chair of the

Board of Trustees may investigate the conduct of any election of the JCR.

4. Candidates for each position must submit manifestos according to the

provisions of the JCR By-Laws.

5. Candidates for each position must have one named Proposer and Seconder.

The Proposer will be required to speak at Formal Hustings. Their speech may

be given by the Seconder if they are absent for illness or urgent cause.

6. The Proposer and Seconder must be Ordinary Members, but mustn’t

(i) be Proposing or Seconding another Candidate in the same election


(ii) be an Executive Officer

(iii) have run, or been running in the same election cycle .

7. Candidates for each position must attend Formal and Informal Hustings,

which will be organised by the JCR Chair and take place before voting opens.

Formal Hustings will take place according to the provisions of the JCR


8. Voting must be open for no less than five days but no more than six days.

9. The Chair of the Board of Trustees must be informed of any elections of the

JCR in accordance with the deadlines of the College Regulations

10.Voting will be limited to Ordinary Members of the JCR. Quorum for elections

by secret ballot will be 25% or 250 Ordinary Members of the JCR, whichever

is lower.

11. In the event of a tie or the successful election of 'Re-Open Nominations', the

Chair must organise a second election within twenty-one days or before the

end of term, whichever is sooner.

12.The result of the election must be announced within twenty-four hours of the

close of voting.

13.Any candidate who canvasses or who is canvassed for during the course of

an election will be disqualified.


1. Any Ordinary Member who will remain an Ordinary Member during their year

of office will be eligible to stand for election of any Executive Officer position

subject to the exceptions listed below.

2. Those exceptions are:

I. No Ordinary Member may be elected Senior Man for more than

two terms of office.

II. No Ordinary Member who will not be in at least their third year of

study during their year of office may be elected to the position of

Senior Man, Vice-President (Discipline), Treasurer or Welfare


III. Candidates for the position of JCR Treasurer will be subject to

the Treasurer Vetting Procedures under the JCR By-Laws.

IV. No Ordinary Member who is not eligible to be a Trustee, as set

out by the Charity Commision, may be elected to the position of

Senior Man, Treasurer or Compliance and Governance Officer.

V. No Ordinary Member who does not intend to live in College

during their year of office may be elected to the position of

Senior Man.

VI. No Ordinary Member who has not attended a Nightline training

weekend may be elected to the position of Vice-President,

Welfare Officer, or Communities Officer.

VII. No duly elected candidate, who has not attended a Nightline

training weekend, may take office as Senior Man. The JCR

Welfare Officer must make one of the JCRs two allocated

Nightline training weekend spaces available to the successful

candidate for Senior Man, if required, for an Easter Term training

weekend, to enable them to take office.

3. For the purposes of standing orders within the eligibility section, 'year of office'

refers to the start of Michaelmas Term following the election until the end of

the following Epiphany Term. Where there is a requirement to be in a

particular year of study, this relates to the length of enrollment in College, not

a particular degree course.


1. Any Executive Officer may resign by giving notice of their resignation to the

Senior Man.

2. The Senior Man may resign by giving written notice of their resignation to the

Chair of the Board of Trustees.

3. Any Executive Officer will be deemed to have resigned when withdrawn

temporarily or permanently from the JCR or the University of Durham.


1. Any Ordinary Member may submit a Motion of No Confidence to be

considered at a General Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the JCR


2. Any Executive Officer who is the subject of a Motion of No Confidence must

be given an opportunity to respond to questioning prior to the vote.

3. If a Motion of No Confidence in an Executive Officer is successful in

accordance with the provisions of Article 2 and the JCR By-Laws, that

Executive Officer will be removed from office.

Extraordinary Replacement

1. In the event of a resignation or removal, the Executive Committee may decide

either to fill the empty position by holding an election according to the

provisions of these Standing Orders, or to leave the space empty and

delegate the work to other Executive and Non-Executive Officers. This

decision should be made with particular regard to the length of time before the

next scheduled Executive Committee election.


Motion regarding the structure of the JCR Executive Committee (Part 1 of 2)


Motion to buy a new pool table for use in TV room for all JCR members.